Sunday, October 27, 2013

My experience and opinions on the Soda Stream Machine for the first month.

It is getting toward the end of the month. 

I have run out of the CO2 twice now. The month isn't even over. Makes me wish I had gotten the larger one, but it was more expensive. Makes me also determined to seek a cheaper way to get the CO2 tank refilled.

I came down to, just out of convenience flavoring my soda with Torani Coffee flavors. My favorite was a mixture of coconut and pineapple. I also like the green apple flavor, but by itself is pretty strong.

I am down to water now, because it isn't payday yet. I have CUT BACK tremendously on buying commercial diet sodas, but haven't let go of them completely. I am now out of my instant coffee substiture fix for the month too. :o(
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Coke Zero IMO

I decided since I saw that Soda Stream has a coke zero similar product that is suppose to have all natural ingredients, to try a bottle of the real one to see if I liked it.

I figured that would be a better way to go than spend 6 dollars on the Soda Stream syrup and then be stuck with something I didn't like.

Well I tried it and I don't like it. It doesn't taste like diet soda at all, maybe thats why. Maybe this is there attempt at trying to make a sweet soda that has no calories. I am\ glad I experimented with the real one instead of wasting money on that flavor of Soda Stream syrup.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A review of the Caffiene Free Soda Stream Flavor

The only syrup I have bought that actually is a Soda Stream flavor is the caffiene free one. Once I actually got the machine to carbonate the way it is suppose to I have been consistently drinking fruit flavored soda water.

But I am still in the search of the perfect recipe to replace the taste of diet coke or diet soda.

 I don't like the taste of the caffiene free soda stream syrup, because they use splenda. I despise the taste of splenda which seems to be used in many generic brands of diet soda, etc Western Family and Shasta.

Anyhow, tonight, I added just a few drops of the green apple Torani syrup I have used to make a straight green apple soda, and voila, I got a soda similar to diet coke but without the Splenda spoiling taste.

I was browsing at Walmart, and the Soda Stream flavors must be selling really well. It was 8 in the evening and most of the flavors were completely out.

They have some naturally flavored one, one that claims to taste similar to Coke Zero. I have never tasted that flavor so I wonder if it is worth buying to test out. Any opinions on this in the comments section would be greatly appreciated.

In the meantime, I have some recipes to try for the real coke flavor, but it seems like the list of ingredients aren't all in my cupboard but I am slowly acquiring them one by one.

Monday, October 7, 2013

A simple way to add fizz to flat soda pop.

I had no idea that the solution to putting the bubbles back in my flat diet coke all these years was sitting in my freezer in the garage.

I drive an ice cream truck in the spring summer and early fall. I always have a cooler inside a freezer in the garage packed with the days dry ice, saving what I can of it for the next day.

As I was researching recipes for my new soda stream machine, I learned that to add fizz is as easy as adding a small chunck of dry ice to the soda. Let most of the "smoke clear out of the top" and then cap it and shake. Wait until the obvious "inside explosion" dies down before opening it. This is obviously on a half drank bottle not a full to the top one.

We all know what happens when you shake soda and then open it instantly when it is full. LOL.

When I think of all the soda I have poured down the drain because I thought it was waste because it was flat, I cringe. Especially knowing I had the solution right under my nose in the next room.

The biggest lesson I have learned about my SodaStream Machine in the week since I bought.

Well to begin with it helps to read the directions. :o(

But even the directions IMO weren't very explicit. To begin with they don't even tell you how much syrup to add, it is on the syrup bottles. I guess that is to make sure you buy their syrup and not make your own.

I had no problem with that except I do not like the taste of Splenda and all there diet flavors are sweetened with it.

The biggest lesson I learned, and it was by reading ideas for recipes from other blogs, was that I wasn't pushing hard enough on the button. You have to push it REALLY HARD. Besides seeing the bubbles you will here a LOUD hissing sound, louder than the initial one you see and hear when you start to see the bubbles.

Because of that, my first SEVERAL attempts at making a soda for myself were very disappointing to me indeed. I will make a video for youtube showing this, but as I type this I am rushing out the door to one of the kids school fall conferences so it will have to wait until I have more time.

I also have several recipes and links to other blogs saved to my pocket file on my phone which I will be adding to this blog as the weather gets worse and I am home more.

Friday, October 4, 2013

If your wondering why my blog has owls instead of drinks, here is the reason. I couldn't find any drink templates that worked with the new blogger designer. I love owls. So for the time being this is better than a generic blogger theme that everyone uses. BTW if you like it you can find it and instructions on how to install it here

I am 57. I drink diet soda, it doesn't matter Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke. I buy which ever one I can find on sale.  I also have fibromyalgia. The artificial sweeteners in these commercial drinks is poisen and just aggrevates and increases all the fibromyalgia symptoms. But I still keep drinking it.

I have tried to break the habit before. This past summer I tried to replace my sodas with green smoothies. But I love that carbonation. Well, I finally discovered the perfect fix. I also get frustrated when you buy a large bottle and get much better prices than small ones. Like Walmart and Winco both sell the 1.5 liters, Walmart even has them chilled. But mine always seem to get flat before I drink that much.

So when I considered buying the Soda Stream I thought, I can add more fizz to my flat soda. Well the directions say not to carbonate anything but water, then add the flavors. I will post more on reviving flat soda in a later post. I have my theories about this but still need to do some experimenting with my new machine.

Why green soda instead of green smoothies? Well for one, like I said before I love the bubbles, who doesn't? But a smoothies kind of peters out, or gets yucky if it sits to long, so from my experience you need to drink it up quickly. I like to have something to drink by me at all times. 

The cherry apple green soda I made this morning, I poured into one of those plastic bottles that come with the lid and straw, and it has been sitting next to me for a few hours. Still has some fizz, tastes as good as it did when I made it two hours ago, (except not quite as cold). It was colder than a soda would have been because I started it out with frozen fruit.

Instead of making green smoothies I made a green soda. It wasn't really the color green, though. Because the one I made this moring with my new Soda Stream machine was a combination of cherries, apples and geen tea. I know green tea helps promote weight loss amoung several other benefits. I had a couple bottles of the green lipton tea someone had given me. I used it instead of water and frozen cherries and apples. I placed them in my magic bullet and mixed it all up. 

I will be posting some pictures soon.

This past summer I helped a friend who runs a fruit stand and I have a whole freezer full of frozen fruit. So this morning I began an online search qwest to find the info I needed to be able to make my own fruit flavorings instead of having to buy the Soda Stream flavors. It will save me money and be healthier.

It is about noon now and I am on my third one. Fruit instead of diet soda, and I am not even missing it. But as for the caffiene fix I got from the soda, (I am not a coffee drinker) we will address that in future posts. I am on a qwest to find energy boosters that are healthier than caffiene.